Monday, July 11, 1988

The Vine

  There are a number of facts to support the messianic birth of Christ.  Mostly in His teachings, claims, and the divine grace of His knowledge and spirit.  Not to mention the ancient scientific body of knowledge which appoints Christ as the Messiah.  Sub-topics below I have enumerated that highlight these messianic truths.  Christ world-renowned statement, “I am the way, the truth, and truth and the life, that no one shall come to the father except by me (John 14:6).”  A prolific, powerful declaration of exclusive divinity.

  One time, it occurred to me when I was praying silently (eyes closed)...a vision of this verse-fitted to what I can call a vision of humanity’s daily living.  The vision came all too broad and fast. Metaphorically speaking, like a complete menu, right in one big display all at the same time.  It never went away from me.  Every time I say the verse in prayer, the vision just keeps showing, like I am just enveloped around by landscapes of cultures with me in the middle of it all-never escaped from it, every time.  From then on, every time I reflect on the words in my prayers the vision just seem to grow more distinct from each other...the way....the truth.... the life-and much coherent as they are interconnected.  Figure 1.a or what I call, the seven seals, shows the intricate combination.  The box color of the way the truth and the life match to the corresponding horseman, and the third row (the Pale) to be encompassing the entire chart.
  It is of my utmost pleasure to pour them out to you in writing.  I would like you to extend your thought process on this, as they are a combination of the "Four Horsemen" mentioned in the book of Revelation and it has a certain level of continuity in the process of my presentation.  The vision I am talking about comprises the following discussions:  The Way; The Truth; The Life, and the succeeding topics below: The Four Horsemen-The White; The Red; The Black; The Pale.

The Way:  This is the first of the three premises Christ has spoken, Him being the way.  Like any path of endeavor we choose, we always make sure that they are clear of any danger or we would rather have it any other way but disaster or uncertainty.  Through the ages, men have gone to respect and acknowledge the prominent teachings of Christ which evolve in loving God and our neighbors.  No propellant in life other than this fact, which motivate any given family or society or country to supply and sustain the needs and wants of their members.  Governance in extending comfort and protection for the governed is otherwise known to be the love that has been making the world convenient and prosperous at some extent.  The “love” word even had grown to an extent where people and government would kill for their very own sakes.

The Truth: One observation I have considered in religion or matters pertaining to spirituality is that, other than the book of revelation and other books which have profound metaphorical and philosophical proportions, every single account are taken as they are written and digested as they are preached in churches.  In other words, what is taught and is what we adhere to and subscribe.  Looking back at history as well as contemporary issues, I noticed, that there are still facts which are unaccounted for, which contribute to imbalance and discord--as we see people and nation disagree, quarrel and wage war against one another.  I asked myself, how in the world a Messiah has already been sent, and still see the world of chaos.  Then, I realized that there are really matters still left unturned.

  Let me bring you for a moment at the time of the Holy Scriptures when Christ had to express His rage, (in an unusual expression given His personality and character) due to discontent among merchants within the vicinity of the synagogue.  Where he overturned tables stalls and goods.   This is what matters in the world right now and even as far back as our imagination can fathom.  This is why the “truth” of the matter in the world right now is chaos, disturbance and strife, crime. 

  My fellow brethren in the spirit, if we ask ourselves, what could be of the account ,with the goods in the synagogue that made the Christ furious which created public disarray?  Or, why has He gone to the extent of causing public menace--John 2:13-16  Only one thing kept me sure.  Christ is opposed to something endemically dangerous-a matter having a serious case.  A situation where Christ has to show rage as He saw a type of a deterrent activity to a conducive life towards peace, love, and spirituality. 
  At a time where public order where religious, and governmental policies were upheld and practiced, Christ rage contributed to the aggravation of the prominent church personalities that led to His arrest.  Little that they know, what Christ has to say and offer.  His public expression of discontent was the start of something more precious than life itself.  His unselfish offering of Himself to God for His/Their Kingdom.  

The Life:  Corollary to the "way," LIFE is what we have in our journey on earth until death comes.  Certainly people take the path that leads to absolute goodwill in mind, body, and soul-whatever is beneficial and harmless.  So much so, we even arrived at an allegory about two paths of choice that lead to either life or disaster.  The other one, though narrow, yet yields to goodness and the other; yet seemingly wide but leads to distraction.  Nonetheless, we all intend to take the correct path leading to righteousness.  And no matter how difficult the narrow paths may be, we know that the end results shall be rewarding.  This metaphor is sensitive as it may be understated when explained in a common context.

  Like for instance, when people would say that suffering is a requirement for a favorable result- is of course, untrue.  Especially when we know we are people of common belief and faith that there is the love of God and eventually His promises we shall experience.     Even Christ Himself represented men in the Lord’s Prayer in a manner, where He also is asking God to “not permit us to the test/temptation (Mathew 6:13), and that His kingdom come (Mathew 6:10)” in our lives.  Again, the intent of this book is precisely a co-blueprint of all major Holy Scriptures.

   The four horsemen is like a joist, completing Christ’s words, “the way, the truth, and the life...”  I believe the book of revelation is as equally potent as other books of the Holy Bible and any Holy Scriptures of major religions, for that matter.  I believe in the book of Revelation so much because not only being it the last book, but it is also the last book that says about the doom of Satan (Revelation 20).  A life where God with walk with men and be His people (Revelation 21:3-6).  A kind of life wherein I believe men could actually realize what God promised His people here on earth, as opposed to some crooked philosophy where an individual has to die first to see the glory of God-in order to be with God.  Even though the book of Revelation is "eccentric and abstract" in most of its content--to a certain degree where others have shunned from it and have taken God’s words too harsh and wrathful, its relevance is also universal.

  In addition, the other reason of it being abstract, is because to me, it was written from the request of Christ Himself to John in the island of Patmos-a Roman Empire territory. You would notice that in the opening of the book of Revelation that it is Christ, sending John to Him, to testify of everything John saw together with Christ.  The angel, of course is a classified person we discussed earlier.  The jargon of the last book is so immense that it protects the identity of the risen Lord Jesus from the devious festering clout of the Roman subjects-the Jews.  Anyhow, the following topics I also have written in the order they are listed in the Scriptures:

The White Horseman:  Being, “Holy and True.”  The outstanding feature of this first horseman.  Once inferred with topics discussed above, this is of vital part, which describe a path worthy of taking.  Holiness and truth are the sum of all virtues put together.  A description fit to that of Christ’s claim being the way, the TRUTH, and the life.  In the previous chapter we pointed out exceptional reviews on major religious groups.  Now, on the other side of the balance, are definitive juncture illustrating and personifying the overall intent of men--the will to live in happiness, peace, and prosperity-to be holy and true.

The Red Horseman:  Alongside with living our lives, entail standards and laws that govern and protect codes of conduct to attain happiness, peace and prosperity.  If we look back in time up to the present day, we see churches and government fight their daily battles against crime.  Whether locally or internationally we hear in the news how authorities’ pass verdicts over criminalities, and how governing bodies react to the call of duty which is to uphold whatever the set standards are.  Even when it spells tears for the accused and their kin.  Alas, I still remember in my computation on the biblical combination streak, how I arrived giving this red horseman, the “DISCIPLINE” character, since the Scriptures did not mention any special name for this horseman, so I thought I’d name him such.  Especially, when this Horseman’s description overwhelms the reader about its sternness of attitude to the extreme.

  Discipline is a pivotal element in life from infancy to adulthood and in any realm or unit of organization.  Members involved have to subscribe forms of discipline in the manner, where a person is set to doing what is expected of the member to behave.  It is how we respond to any given matter or deliver any form of thought or deed, and vise versa-from which favorable or pleasant outcome are derived.  From family values, local government to national and international codes of ethics we truly value discipline because it is truly beneficial.  We sustain them at any given cost, so to speak.

  So much so, that even in the academe we use the discipline as an appellate or conjunction to branches of studies.  Discipline has worked together for good, in the attainment of goals and objectives to sustain life on earth and to even further growth of various immense dimensions known to man.  Hence, discipline is the outcome of the “truth” and vise-versa-a reality men seek to sustain and enjoy.  Likewise, truth is what every “discipline” hopes to achieve.  As saying goes, “truth shall set you free,” so does discipline in all its form and substance shall set an individual happy, since discipline conforms to what is set in life.

The Black Horseman:  With a color which often times equated with diplomacy (as in black coats and limousines of diplomats, etc.), this one also has a “scale” or a balance, described in the Holy Scripture.  Interesting to note as well, that black is a color suggested in feng-shui for people whose line of work demands thinking--saying that the color black deepens one‘s ability to think. 

  With thoughts, as this Horseman is expected and was given a reminder in the book, I would also enjoin your profound ability, to qualify branches of knowledge pertaining to its representation.  For it is documented, the Black Horseman is being reminded of something the Horseman should not forget-“a quart of wheat for a day’s wages, and three quarts of barley for a day‘s wages and do not damage the oil and the wine (Revelation 6:6, notice the number also...)”  Money and wine are key elements attached to this horseman.  Money, as in world currency, and wine, as in, a figure representing ways men celebrate.  Not to mention the food to sustain life itself.  Wine is evident even in church services or masses--at services in religious activities with even the leadership of religious congregation, for that matter.  And the scale this horseman has, the justice systems across the Four Corners of the earth share its symbol with.  Posing qualities of a more diverse issue and detailed discussion about “men and materials” across the globe.

  It could be well put that this horseman represents the existing standard operating procedures (SOP) that would completely benefit men for a better life, since it has been reminded of money and wine-a tool for enjoyment.  The Black Horseman sums up the secular point of view about peoples’ daily living.  But being it holy scriptural in nature, means that there is more to it than just being secular.  A church song that goes, “ seek ye first the... kingdom of God and.... His... righteousness, and all these things shall be added unto you .  Man does not live by bread alone but by every word.... that....proceeds from the mouth of God.....Halleluiah.”  An equation of two constants in life:  Word of God and the material world.  This particular horseman rounds up the totality of humanity’s existence.  It was the start of Christ’s major public manifestation of disdain at the marketplace that would give emphasis on the importance of the reminder for this rather elusive horseman.  But not for long as we unravel more about the Iron Scepter.  

  Financial currency propels the way of living, even before the time of Jesus Christ.  Where at some point in His life, He did have one tough day at the synagogue, trying to mark a statement-a real serious teaching.   We have touched this topic in our discussion about the truth along side with the way and the life.

  As long as money is the means of financial exchange--the world shall never see the kingdom of heaven or the kingdom of God, the Promised Land, the land of milk and honey.  Why, you may ask.  Let me explain a side track knowledge about the Holy Scriptures argument which I challenge.  “The love of money is the root of all evil (1 Timothy 6:10)”  In practical terms, ladies and gentlemen, if we scrutinize the sentence of this verse, it would be obvious that the reader is encouraged not to “love” money for it is the root of all “evil.”  Of course, we shall never love money.  For one, it is admonished in the Holy Scriptures.  Second, it is lifeless or a non-living thing.  However, the BIG problem is: Men are being coupled with money in all the things we need and want for both our loved ones and ourselves.  The problem is that we can not sustain life without money!  Quite ironic, isn’t it?  Well, Christ has the answer.

  Christ allegedly caused misdemeanor when He ransacked the stalls at the synagogues, which I personally have, such compounded qualms with the churches.  They actually crucify Christ over, and over, and over again, in the lives of all men who are dying of scarcity, because all these boil down to greed and the love for money.  In what way, you may ask?  Remember the biblical account where He fed multitudes of people with fives loaves of bread and a few pieces of fish?  This is a classic account by which I may use to illustrate to every one, how we can sustain our needs without ever needing money.  Yes-WITHOUT!   It is of my utmost eagerness to share them to you, as this biblical account is a major contributor in supplementing my claim of how our environs and its natural resources could give light to the meaning of everlasting life.  And would give a bright perspective about the Promised Land.  

  It is of a factual truth that we derive everything from nature-the natural resources.  What people and industry produce--may they be, products or services, byproducts,  or interconnected needs and wants of people in households and industries all over the world.  This stems from a single unit of produce, down to the consumer, or related industry that need them.  The goods or services, which people in our locality, national, and international in business need.  With this common sense, of how goods and services come about, it is possible for the entire human race to acquire our daily needs and wants, and, as we have always done-being able to sustain them for each others' needs.  A form of a network of national and international businesses that are integrated to supply each others' needs and wants.

  With the intelligence of man, it has developed sophistication and refinement of goods and services paving the way for progress and comfort over time.  Enabling the stages of ages with scientific breakthroughs and improved information. Now, represented by the account of the two loaves of bread and the five pieces of fish is a pivotal illustration of the paradise to come with the success rate of man in today's day and age.  There is more to it than sheer miracle to magnify Christ’s messianic qualities. Since, our God whom Christ represents, we also call the living God-who is alive and active.  Meaning, there should be more than mere fascination over what the account means to us--than sheer “miracle.”  Imagine a basket of so few fish and bread, became more than enough to satisfy everybody.  Sure, it has made man to awe at the story and has made men magnify Christ, as He should be glorified.

  There are several accounts of Christ that were written by the apostles in the time of the Roman empire where they have to use symbols and figures to elude from certain anti-government observations and theories.  There is a chapter in this book that I allotted for topics of seemingly miraculous or magical in nature but in essence, a more potent theories necessary for our UTMOST understanding.  Gone were the days of magical terms to express the core of matters (at least to me).  The absolute fact is that, it could be simply figured out by what is meaningful and alongside goodwill to all men--how our Messiah showed us, how God and all His creation may serve men towards everlasting life.

  Summing up the Black Horseman, under ordinary circumstances, there is a subsequent action upon which a person is being reminded about, like how the Black Horseman is being reminded.  When a person is reminded, there is always a matter or two to think of, or act upon.  I see problems as I have observed people as early as I can remember and which I would present to you what this Horseman is being reminded of, as we go along our journey to the new heaven and the new earth.  By the time you finish the book you’d be able to fathom the steps necessary to take.   Actions, which are beneficial for all God’s creation which, are warranted by His words in the Holy Scriptures.

The Pale Horseman:  Death is the overriding trait this Rider is being described--the fourth and the last.  Yes, death!  Quite interesting, isn’t it?  Well, for one, because the story reveals that the Pale Horseman is being followed by death.  Why is he being followed?  Like all the rest of us and those before us and people ahead of us, death will one way or the other, befall each and every one of us.

  So much so, according to the account of this horseman, there are four classes of death by which the Black Horsemen (along side with the rest of the Horsemen as they are compounded) envisioned by John in the Holy Scripture, were given authority to kill men with, 1) sword, 2) famine, 3) plague, and 4) wild beasts.  Though, they (the Four Horsemen) have distinct feature they share one common denominator over men-DEATH (see fig. 1.a).

  I have looked at this issue in a two-pronged perspective.  A physical death and a spiritual death.  We may already be aware of these kinds of death.  First of, the sword.  Personally, I always relate the sword with authority (Romans 13:4).  Maybe because, having served in the military once before, officers and gentlemen always are associated with having swords.  Though, this argument may sound subjective, but just take a look at the heads of nations, as an example.  They are really after all, the commander-in-chief of the armed forces.  The clout of this symbol certainly encapsulates even the apex.  And what we talk of here are governments and churches leading us back to the role of prime institutions of their responsibility over the life and death of the governed-and their moral obligations.

 The "famine" is by itself associated with food shortage, scarcity, or deprivation.  And haven’t we slightly touched the topic of money?  Without money... no honey, so to speak.  Plague comes thereafter, when people face scarcity in life leading to poverty.  Become most vulnerable to diseases, infection when malnourished and have low levels of resistance to viruses, hence, the "plague."  These are just common and practical relationship we can associate with the seemingly frightful passages.  Though, no matter how we get common and familiar with such deterrence to good life, it is best if people do not experience them at all. 

  Just a while ago I mentioned numerous times about a biblical account of Christ in the market place by a synagogue.  It has an overall vital impact in this discussion, as well as the remaining chapters.  It affects the lives and causes universal concerns even today.  You can somehow level how the present system of economic framework, with its medium of exchange, perpetuate the listed factors which kill men. The sword, for its (government) evolving economic framework. Just take for instance a simple fact. Government punishes a convicted criminal through death penalty by its vested power and authority over the governed.  My dear friends, did we not say that the church and the government are the people themselves?  What transpire among men are reflections of the representation, which govern the people and vise versa. 

  The reason why I always say this fact is because I haven’t seen any ultimate ways in the two institutions in rectifying instability in peoples’ lives.  The poor, the uneducated, the abused are most likely candidates of criminality, not to mention those in power who also commit them.   Limited choice, meager resources, poor judgment due to lack of education and experiences and crashed moral--people just result to criminal activities.  If animals themselves find ways and means even to the extent of killing in order to survive, how much more men who are more astute than the animal kingdom.

  The "famine and plague", by which the preceding (sword-government and church) justifies, is the result of byword you would hear from people saying, “they deserve what they’re getting because they do not have anything or they have not done their part too well... they have come up short...they are lazy... it is a punishment they deserve in life.”  “Or they are being punished by government or by God,” as the case may be.

Hence come, the wild beasts.  Every single one of you people, and, sad to say, including me who is included in this present governmental system and religious unrest, we would see each other fade away in each of your “beastly ways.”  The issue of this particular discussion is how we behave like animals wherein we have to be treated as such by governing bodies, which, if you come to realize the governing bodies permit and expose people to animalistic prerogatives. Why are there elements or factors in life that predispose people to mayhem?

  The dying and the bereaved are always scared in not knowing whether the life ahead warrants goodness and wellness for both.

  I mentioned the discussion on death as two-pronged-the physical one and now this one--the spiritual one.  I have an offering to give the church and government, which would solve problematic situations in all societies. Crushing every soul that harbor pain and suffering and stupidity-from the heads all the way to the tails.  Unlike any common spiritual death, which we normally hear from churches, mine is something relevant to the cause of improving the life on earth.

  The death I am referring to is how my book, the Iron Scepter would enable people to die of what they know about our destiny, and live anew with what the Spirit is telling in this book.  Meaning, death of the old principles detrimental to graciousness-and onwards to a new system of heaven and earth, by renovating systems of operation in government and spiritually--uniting people under One God, in our respective churches.

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